Ian Ingram-Johnson
Image of Ian Ingram-Johnson  
Ian has led numerous multi-sourced financings including ECAs, commercial banks, development finance institutions, multilaterals and Islamic financiers.




Representative matters

  • The pathfinder ECAs and lenders on the first of a kind utility-scale 1m+ tpa Helios green hydrogen and ammonia project (including solar and wind generation) in Saudi Arabia. This USD8.4bn project includes the world’s first large scale green ammonia offtake contract. 
  • The sponsor on the development of a USD3bn world-scale green ammonia project in Oman with energy generated from renewable sources.
  • GCC and internationals sponsors on green hydrogen and ammonia project development in the UAE.
  • The lenders on a low carbon iron hub in the Middle East.
  • A client on a giga-scale low carbon methanol project in Egypt.
  • The sponsor on the development of a green ammonia project in Morocco. 
  • The sponsors on the development, construction, financing and operation of a portfolio of independently developed HEFA and green power to e-jet fuel projects in Sweden, UK, France and Germany, in parallel with a U.S. project.
  • A leading shipping company on Green Marine Fuel Corridors including green hydrogen to ammonia and methanol plants. This includes all regulatory aspects (RED II and RFNBO) and the development, construction and financing of a series of giga-projects.
  • The prospective ECAs and lenders in relation to the proposed multi-billion-dollar Rovuma LNG Project in Mozambique.
  • The ECAs and lenders on the development and financing of the approximately USD8bn Coral South FLNG project to be moored in the Area 4 Coral South Offshore Basin, Mozambique. The first ever project financing of a floating LNG vessel, the first LNG project Mozambique and the largest project financing in African history at the time. 
  • The lead sponsor on a USD10bn+ project financing of a gas-to-liquids project in Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA.
  • Uzbekistan GTL on the implementation, construction and financing of a 37,600 barrel per day gas-to-liquids refinery project in Uzbekistan with a group of IFIs and 8 ECAs (including Asian Development Bank, ECIC, EXIAR, K-Sure, KEXIM, Malaysia EXIM and SACE).
  • The mandated lead arrangers of the project financing and expansion financing of Phase VI of Vopak Horizon Port and Terminal project, UAE.
  • KEXIM, K-Sure, the Islamic financers and conventional banks and all finance party agents on Ma'aden's USD7.75bn phosphate mine and associated petrochemical and fertiliser complex in Saudi Arabia.
  • The ECAs and lenders (including CESCE, K-EXIM, K-Sure, SACE and UKEF) on financing provided to Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) for the purposes of modernizing its refinery.

Pro bono

  • Maersk McKinney Moeller Centre for Zero Carbon Shipping: Knowledge Partner.


He does a lot of hydrogen work; he’s a strong presence. He has a good name and a good brand. He has a portfolio of good clients too
Chambers Global, 2023
Ian is client-friendly and a good team player who is across the detail, excellent in negotiation and shows real team leadership. He is a standout
Chambers Global, 2022


  • Ranked Band 1 Projects & Energy Middle East-wide, Chambers Global, 2024 
  • Ranked Market Leader Project Finance UAE, IFLR1000 EMEA, 2024
  • Ranked Leading Individual Infrastructure & Projects UAE, Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

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