Gijs Linse




Representative matters

  • Jumbo Supermarkten on its M&A transactions since 2009, including the EUR550m acquisition of Super de Boer, the acquisition of C1000 and the EUR410m acquisition of EMTÉ in a consortium with Coop Supermarkten.
  • Wolters Kluwer on numerous acquisitions and disposals in Europe since 2015, including the EUR300m acquisition of Tagetik in Italy and the EUR250m acquisition of Enablon in France.
  • Royal KPN on various transactions, including the EUR5 billion sale of its German mobile unit E-Plus to Telefonica Deutschland, the EUR1.3 billion sale of BASE Company to Telenet and the sale of the US-based subsidiary iBasis Inc. to Tofane Global.
  • Avedon Capital Partners on various transactions, including the acquisition of Brand Masters, the sale of Robidus to Aegon, the divestment of VanRiet to Material Handling Systems, Inc. and the acquisitions of VisionsConnected and Viju to create Kinly.
  • A multinational location technology and consumer electronic company on the EUR910m sale of its telematics business to Bridgestone Europe.
  • Bencis on various transactions, including the sale of TBAuctions to Castik Capital, the acquisition of PNO Group and the acquisition of VMN Media.
  • Strikwerda Investments on various transactions, including on a combination of acquisitions to create Your.Online and acquisitions to create Total Hosting Solutions.
  • Alfen on its EUR85m IPO on Euronext Amsterdam.
  • The family shareholders of Royal Agio Cigars on the EUR210m sale to Scandinavian Tobacco Group.
  • Van Gansewinkel on its EUR482m merger with Renewi.

Pro bono

  • Advising the non-profit foundation Text-to-Change on the equity funding obtained from ABN Amro Social Impact Fund B.V.
  • Advising a number of Dutch development organizations to set up Connect4Change, a consortium of IICD, Akvo, Cordaid, Edukans and ICCO, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Published Work

  • G.C. Linse, ‘Naar beste weten van verkoper’ in garantiebepalingen’ (‘To the best of Seller’s knowledge’ in warranty clauses) in: Vennootschap en Onderneming 2009, nr. 6.
  • G.C. Linse, ‘De mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van 334t-aansprakelijkheid’ (The (im)possibilities of 334t-liability) in: Vennootschap en Onderneming 2013, nr. 2.
  • G.C. Linse, ‘Locked Box Mechanism’ in: Bedrijfsovername, Deventer: Wolters Kluwer 2023.

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