Baptiste Aubry
Baptiste Aubry

Baptiste is an active member of our FinTech task force, supporting a wide range of clients, from established financial institutions to start-ups developing innovative solutions.




Representative matters

  • A Brazilian bank on the establishment of their Luxembourg third country institution branch and more specifically the licencing and regulatory aspects.
  • Quintet Private Bank on the establishment of a credit institution by way of reorganisation involving a cross-border merger of certain European entities.
  • A major fintech company and a worldwide operating crypto-exchange on the joint-issuance e-money tokens in accordance with the applicable legal framework under MiCAR.
  • A foreign exchange market manager and service provider with on-going strategic regulatory questions, including in respect of the establishment of an e-money institution in Luxembourg.
  • A European payment services company on strategic regulatory matters as well as on-going advice on AML/CTF obligations and payment services issues.
  • A Belgian company on the acquisition of a leading Dutch payment scheme and a Luxembourg-based payment solution provider.
  • Several alternative investment fund managers on their obtainment of MiFID Top-Up licenses in Luxembourg.
  • A Canadian multinational financial services company on the sale of its Luxembourg subsidiary (holding all of its European business activities) to a Luxembourg-based asset servicing bank.
  • A global e-commerce company in a multi-billion sale of “buy now pay later” loan receivables.

Pro bono

  • Supporting STËMM VUN DER STROOSS established in 1996, working to promote the social and professional integration of disadvantaged people.
  • Supporting FONDATION CANCER via participation in the “Relais pour la Vie”, established in 1994 in Luxembourg working in the fight against cancer.

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